
“I have never in my life felt so safe and supported in any medical setting. Every decision is supported, providers are a wealth of knowledge and resources, and my whole queer family was able to show up as our authentic selves. BCC is a making magic every day, and a model of how radical welcome and kindness can look in real life. Could not recommend more highly!” - Lizzy Appleby




Unmedicated Childbirth Classes

24/7 Phone Access With Midwives

Home-like Setting

Support People

3 +doula

1-2 People

Infant FeedingClasses

Doulas Welcome


Length of Appts

30-60 Min

5-15 Min

Eat and Drink Freely

IV only for Medical Necessity

Freedom of Movement

Birth In Any Desired Postion

Delayed Cord Clamping

Routine Care

Upon Request

Cervical Exams Only As Indicated

Early Discharge to Home

4-6 Hours

Phone Call Following Discharge

Intermittent Auscultation Monitoring

Kitchen & Living Room for Family Use

Children Attend Birth

Acompaning with Adult

Follow Up Visits

3 Visits in first 2 wks
1 Visit at 6 weeks

1 Visit
at 6 weeks

Family Centered Newborn Exam

*continuous external fetal monitoring has been shown to increase the risk for cesarean birth but has not been proven to improve outcomes.